Pre Training Review

Sherwood Institute of Australia (here after known as ‘SIA’) uses the following cookies on the SIA website, for the following purposes:

A pre-training review ensures that the learning and assessment strategy is designed to meet the learner’s individual needs and/or workplace requirements. This information will enable Sherwood Institute of Australia to understand a learner’s training needs and any relevant current competencies that relate to the course they are applying for. The pre-training review also provides the opportunity for the applicant to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and to ensure that the learner’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills suit the learning and assessment strategies.

Student to Complete

Sherwood Institute of Australia will use this review to provide the learner with the support they need in areas such as language, literacy and learning and assessment, while ensuring they get the maximum outcomes and benefits from the course they are enrolling in, according to their learning objectives, career aspirations and skill level.

Write a brief answers to the following questions.

Note that all questions must be answered for the Review.

Pre Training Review


Read through the task list below and for each item, think about your current or previous job roles and indicate if you have any vocational experience in that area:

Skill/ Experience Highly Experienced Less Experienced No Experience

Showing leadership in the workplace


Establishing effective workplace relationships


Implementing operational plans


Monitoring workplace OHS


Managing people performance


Responsibility for developing and managing your own work priorities


Actively seeking feedback on own performance from clients and colleagues


Communicating with team members and managementto ensure open communication channels and to clarify issues


Resolving conflict and disputes in the work team


Consulting and developing objectives with the work team


Monitoring and adjusting operational performance by producing short-term plans planning and acquiring resources and reporting on performance


Coaching and mentoring colleagues and team members to support the introduction of change


Using business technology such as computer programs and telecommunications to collect and manage information


Please underline or encircle and rate: I am a Coordinator / Leading Hand / Supervisor / Team Leader / Manager / Other (specify):

To determine your suitability based on prerequisites (where required) and work history, please attach a copy of your CV or Resume. This should detail any professional development you may have completed in the last education and training history.

Pre Training Review


  • What do you hope to achieve from completing this qualification?

  • Do you wish to develop your study skills, develop skills for better job outcomes, start a new career path, go to a university to complete a degree, have your own small business?

  • What particular skills and knowledge do you wish to develop? Do you have any queries/ questions?

* You must provide at least 15 words using correct spelling or grammar.
Do you require extra support with undertaking such activities? * If yes, select ‘yes’ and explain below. If no, select ‘No’ and then go to next question.

Physical capabilities learners will need to complete this course and work in this industry sector, learners will need to be able to:

  • Work in offices, factories, retail outlets and other such related business environments.

  • Duties may include answering/ directing telephone calls, receiving and directing visitors, word processing, creating spreadsheets and presentations, computer data entry and filing.

Pre Training Review


Select either Yes – you have these skills // No – you do not have these skills. // If you do not understand the question select No

Learning 1:

Can you attend work/ training as required and inform your supervisor/trainer if you are unable to attend?

Can you locate information by using an index, contents page or menu e.g. holiday brochure contents page, ATM menu, library database?

Learning 2:

Can you make a checklist of tasks to be completed e.g checklist of work tools, and resources required for a specific job?

Can you use Google, or another search engine, to find information e.g use Google to find information on where the closest hardware store is?

Learning 3:

Can you contribute to problem solving processes e.g suggest how a simple task could be improved?

Can you organize a routine task, identifying possible risks and accessing relevant resources e.g. preparing the resources, equipment and safety measures to dig a trench, cut timber?

Learning 4:

Can you use organizational file sharing and storage systems e.g. filing invoices or other work related information?

Can you collect information regarding new technical ideas or procedures for future use e.g. new construction standards, updated power tools, using digital devices on work sites?

Learning 5:

Can you mentor a colleague in gaining new skills e.g train a new staff member how to operate and maintain work equipment?

Can you identify an organizational issue and use formal thinking techniques to develop a range of possible solutions e.g schedule two work crews, required equipment and resources over four work sites?

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Numeric

Reading 1:

Can you understand simple written or pictorial instructions e.g. simple signs and warnings, emergency stop procedures for machines, warnings e.g ‘prohibited area’ and ‘wash hands before entering’ or safety symbols on chemical containers?

Can you understand time, dates and months e.g timetables, work rosters, shifts, roistered day off or job interview details – who to meet, and where for interview?

Reading 2:

Can you understand instructions which combine pictorial and written information e.g. directions on how to set up and operate technical equipment such a laser guided level?

Can you identify the main points in a job advertisement?

Reading 3:

Can you understand information that has been produced using familiar software programs e.g. faxes, instant messages, quotations?

Can you understand information gained from tables, charts and other graphic information e.g. simple chart, travel arrangements using a schedule, completing work according to a work schedule/ timeframe?

Reading 4:

Can you analyse and compare information from tables and charts e.g. information on products and materials in order to determine its suitability for a particular job?

Can you extract relevant information from texts which include some abstraction, symbolism and technicality e.g. identify procedures for dealing with a technical fault or breakdown?

Reading 5:

Can you review and understand and relevant national, state and local legislation and regulations e.g. review Volume 1 Commercial Buildings (Class 2-9 Buildings) for new updates?

Can you compare and contrast specifications provided in a number of technical journals in order to recommend the purchase of a particular system or equipment e.g. timber framing verses steel framing for use in extreme wind conditions?

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Numeric

Writing 1:

Can you send a short SMS text to a colleague?

Can you receive, open and reply to a simple email message using short, simple text?

Writing 2:

Can you record simple and routine information from a telephone message e.g. take a phone message with name, phone number and short message on a form designed for this purpose?

Can you complete a range of forms requiring routine, factual data, e.g. OHS records, a job application, a reimbursement from for expenses?

Writing 3:

Can you use email for everyday/ routine communication?

Can you write a factual text e.g. a job history as part of a job application letter, a resume?

Writing 4:

Can you prepare data for a group using graphs to compare production or activity over a period of time, and include recommendations for improvements?

Can you compile a report with input from a range of sources e.g. a report based on hours worked per construction site/ project, quarterly gross costs including staffing costs, individual staff hours and overtime?

Writing 5:

Can you write a report based on analysis of data and stakeholder consultations?

Can you write a website content or promotional material designed specifically for the needs of the audience?

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Numeric

Communication 1:

Can you listen to and respond to short, clearly worded requests, e.g. when to attend a meeting, take an early lunch break or indicate availability for weekend work?

Can you respond to questions regarding your own personal background e.g. job interview?

Communication 2:

Can you report a problem/ hazard/ fault/ defect to a work supervisor or utility/ service company e.g. reporting a problem to Origin electricity or Yarra Valley Water?

Can you follow directions to perform a sequence of routine tasks, e.g. use machinery/ equipment, fax machine, and make simple modifications to a product?

Communication 3:

Can you give clear sequenced instructions of several steps, e.g. how to use or maintain a power tool?

Can you participate in an oral exchange requiring some negotiation, e.g respond to specific enquiries, complaints or problems with clients, customers or colleagues?

Communication 4:

Can you facilitate group discussions and negotiations, on suggested changes to work practices or the pros and cons of purchasing new equipment from one of two or more equipment suppliers?

Can you provide feedback to a trainee in a formal setting e.g. positive and/ or negative feedback concerning a given task such as preparing an induction manual or standard operating procedures to be used in the workplace?

Communication 5:

Can you use aids (e.g. machine/ equipment parts, photos, diagrams or scaled models) to explain technological concepts or scientific phenomena to an audience or work group?

Can you lead and/or facilitate group discussion which explores solutions to specific problems e.g implementation issues as a result of implementing a new construction method?

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Numeric

Numeric 1:

Can you use a calculator to add whole numbers e.g. 1035 + 275 =?

Can you use a calendar or planner to record information, e.g. meeting times and dates?

Numeric 2:

Can you compare information contained in a multi-column table, e.g compare equipment features?

Can you keep a record of casual hours worked and use a calculator to calculate the gross pay expected?

Numeric 3:

Can you select, total and order items from a catalogue within a budget, e.g. order a quantity resources from Bunnings within a defined budget?

Can you use rates of application to work out the quantities for a routine task, e.g. calculate and order the correct quantify of timber for a specific project?

Numeric 4:

Can you work in a group to investigate and report on the options and costs for the use of a fleet of vehicles for the running of a business, e.g. comparing the use of Utes versus vans for construction staff to use or comparing leasing vans versus outright purchase?

Can you represent statistical system information and data (e.g. customer satisfaction survey results, phone enquiry data or customer profiles), analyse and interpret the data using graphical and numerical processes (e.g. graphs. Charts or averages) to show different interpretations and influences?

Numeric 5:

Can you research and investigate a fictional company and consider whether to employ a sales representative on a retainer and commission or on a straight commission basis and write a report considering this from the point of view of both the company and the salesperson. This includes an analysis from

Can you work in a team to research, investigate and analyse workplace data gathered on a selected topic (e.g. accident rates, project construction costs or causes of contamination or pollution), write a detailed report based on a comprehensive statistical analysis and develop recommendations based on the analysis?

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Numeric